The Wheat and the Tares!
The key to eternal life is in ‘believing’; but not just anything or everything, but in carefully reading the Bible and its teaching.
The key to eternal life is in ‘believing’; but not just anything or everything, but in carefully reading the Bible and its teaching.
Our heavenly Father has great love for each of us. He is watching out for us to return to Him. We need to “come to ourselves ”!
By believing and accepting Jesus Christ you can also become His special treasure.
Our heavenly Father loves us too much to give us all our ‘wants’, and only promises to give His children what they ‘need’.
God caused this book to be written; it is His message to each of us personally. It has been marvelously preserved from early times. This is no ordinary book.
Only God knows everything, is able to do all things, and is present everywhere --- Jesus Christ has power in all these areas. He is God!
Heaven is only open to those who hearts are softened by repentance over their sin, and who also put their trust in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord.
Like the rusty car, we are helpless and unable to better our position .... Because of His great love for us, God sent the Lord Jesus Christ to die for our sin.
A fool in the Bible is not mentally deficient, but one who neglects his relationship with the Lord.
It causes great joy in heaven among the angels of God when we do this as a voluntary act of our own will.
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