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This I Know





I have never seen where Christ was born

But I know that it was so

I have never walked the roads He trod

When here so long ago





I never knew the crowds He taught

Or the disciples by His side

Never heard the blind man cry

Or Zacheus, try to hide




But yes I know it all is true

Written in God’s word

Revered, and taught all down the years

That salvation could be heard





This is the reason Jesus came

And left His home above

Dying on that cross of shame

Was proof of His great love





He took our place and paid for sin

Giving us a choice

To repent and ask forgiveness

That the angels may rejoice




Then we know that we can be

Cleansed and freed from sin

Enjoy communion with our God

And blessed peace within






Knowing then that ever more

The Lord will be our guide

And when our time on earth is done

We shall in heaven abide





— Doris A. Rulton

Photo by Sharon Shaze

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