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I Am The Lord’s! O Joy Beyond Expression






1.   I am the Lord’s !  O joy be-yond ex-pres-sion, O sweet re-sponse to voice of love di-vine;

Faith’s joy-ous Yes   to the as-sur-ing whis-per,   Fear not , I have re-deemed thee, thou art Mine.




2.   I am the Lord’s !  it hush-es eve-ry mur-mur,  It soothes the fev-ered spir-it to its rest;  I am the Lord’s !   it is the child’s re-join-der, Who knows and feel the Fa-ther’s will is best.





3.   I am the Lord’s !  O  ea-ger-ly and glad-ly, Tri-umph-ant-ly and grate-fu-ly we sing;  I am the Lord’s ! it is the rock un-fail-ing   To which our storm-tossed souls in dan-ger cling.




4.   I am the Lord’s !  yet teach me all it mean-eth,   All it in- volves of love and loy- al- ty,  Of ho-ly ser-vice, full and glad sur- ren- der,  And un- re- served   o- be- dience  un – to Thee.




5.   I am the Lord’s !   yes; bod-y, soul and spir-it;  They’re sealed,  and  ir-re-cov-er-a-bly  Thine;  As  Thou,  Be- lov- ed,   in Thy grace and ful-ness    For ev-er and for ev-er – more art mine.



Acknowledgment: The Believers Hymn Book Resource Page

Tune: Raynolds  Metre: 11. 10. 11. 10

Lyrics from:  Hymn#394 “THE BELIEVERS HYMN BOOK”


Photos  by Nola Crowford




Alternative tune:  SANDRINGHAM:


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