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“NOW is the accepted time” Corinthians 6:2





So very many tragedies could have been averted if that one person had just acted in time! Procrastination is not only a thief of time, but it so often results in tragic disaster. It is unwise, and dangerous to put off until tomorrow, what should be done today.
So many souls could be saved for eternity, and spared the awesome outcome of Gods promised coming judgments against all human lawlessness, if they would only respond positively to God NOW!
Therefore the apostle Paul urges upon us all the realization of the value of time and its importance, when he states, “Behold now is the accepted time. “Not, a “convenient tomorrow,” not next week, not even within the hour.
“NOW means immediately!”
The importance and urgency of priorities, especially heeding God is therefore raised in this brief sentence, which is but five words, but they are five words from God –
“Now is the accepted time. ”



We are all in grave peril of missing Gods offer of grace, forgiveness and mercy, when we fail to obey Gods warning word to avoid the great danger of going to hell.
When God says “now,” He means “Now!”
“Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.Hebrews 4:7







Time is but a briefly granted span that is as temporary as creation; while eternity, is where God as the great I AM dwells in the ever glorious present.






Our God and Saviour alone can say; “I AM-The Door, IAM-The Way, The Truth, The Life, God is, I AM, not was, for God ever dwells in the present!
Therefore, “I AM” • • • is His Word to all unsaved persons, for “NOW is the accepted time . . . NOW is the day of salvation.” The favoured, opportune time granted by God for all lost humanity, is here and now.




“Tomorrow,” is the deceit and delusion of Satan, as too many are tempted to put off till tomorrow, God s Word and voice of warning that urges to action to believe right now what God has said!
“Putting off until tomorrow,” is the choice of a willful disobedience that refuses to heed God in the present day of grace. An actual believing obedience to God, and His Word, is an act of immediate obedience and will, to God, Who is the highest and ultimate authority.
And what of the future? Not one of us can predict the future for ourselves. God however, has given us this sure promise for the future, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. ” Hebrews 9:27
“There is a time to be born, and a time to die. “Ecclesiastes 3:2



Now Is the Accepted Time


But the great question, not one of us can answer is:
When is that time for me to die?



God therefore, urges us saying, “Now is the accepted time” to wholeheartedly come believing His Word, to accept His salvation.
Think of the danger of the unknowable! We do not know what will happen tomorrow, nor if we will even live out today! “Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow. ” James 4:14
It is therefore critical and crucial for me and for you to accept God s offer of salvation now while the offer is still available.
The work that saves you right now, has been done on your behalf by Jesus Christ. Full price has been paid for your redemption by Jesus Christ when upon the cross He cried, “It is Finished! ” Then and there He completed the work that saves! He representatively died, the Just for the unjust, so that God can righteously appeal to all the ungodly saying, “NOW is the accepted time, ” for whosoever will, may come to receive a full and free pardon now!


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What incredible grace, love and mercy is available, not tomorrow but today, now! “Today.; if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts. “Hebrews 3:15
NOW, right now, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” and you shall be saved. “Acts 16:31 

*NOW is the accepted time. ” °NOW is the day of salvation. ” 2 Corinthians 6:2






Written by:  John A. Short

Hong Kong, China. December, 2008

Acknowledgment: © CHRISTIAN BOOK ROOM
P.O. Box 95413, T.S.T., Kowloon, Hong Kong, SAR of China.

Photo by :  Kontine Photography



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