The Wilfully Lost Son!
Our heavenly Father has great love for each of us. He is watching out for us to return to Him. We need to “come to ourselves ”!
How Wonderfully Blessed Are the Peacemaker !
The great enemy of peace is sin. Sin separates men from God and causes disharmony with Him. And men’s lack of harmony with God causes their lack of harmony with each other.
Don’t Pay For Your Gift
If someone gives you a gift, you obviously don't pay for it. Yet people try to work their way to Heaven when God has done all the work.
The Qualities of Love
Love is a harbour of trust. When that trust is broken, love’s first reaction is to heal and restore.
Love is consistent with kindness but it is not consistent with the compromising of the truth.
Love Thinks No Evil
Love keeps no record, because spiritual Christians never provide a column for resentment or grudges.
Purity of Heart
Purity of heart is more than sincerity. ... the reality is that the problem of sin is not primarily the world around us but the worldliness within us.
Love Is Not Provoked
Love that takes a person outside of himself and centers his attention on the well - being of others is the only cure for self -centeredness and a love that is not provoked.
How transitory our lives are ! The dance on the edge of the precipice will be turned into a safe path, which leads to God.
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