If the road is hard, and the way is long,
And your heart is sad and you sing no song,
What you need just then, to adjust the wrong
Is a friend like Jesus.
When heart is light, and your face a smile,
When all is bright and as every mile
Just spells out gladness all the while
You still need this Jesus.
When friends(?) forsake you and turn away,
And leave you to fight alone—the fray,
What then you need, I still would say,
Is faithful friend Jesus.
If you lie in bed in dreadful pain,
And are prone to murmur and complain,
Then think of Him, who for you was slain,
This dearest friend Jesus.
In sickness or health, whate’er your lot,
In mansion grand, or humble cot,
At home or abroad, or in any spot,
Still trust faithful Jesus.
For years He has proved Himself so true,
What He has been to me He’ll be to you,
His faithful love, always fresh and new
Incomparable Jesus.
Acknowledgement: Christian Book Room Card Series