May this, the love of Christ so constrain us that we render to Him our love, our lives, our hearts, our all!
May this, the love of Christ so constrain us that we render to Him our love, our lives, our hearts, our all!
When we preach atonement, it is atonement planned by love, provided by love, given by love, finished by love, necessitated because of love. When we preach the resurrection of Christ, we are preaching the miracle of love.When we preach the return of Christ, we are preaching the fulfilment of love.
A GIFT! If you knew this and believed it, your whole life would be made over again! You cannot buy it, you cannot merit it. He knows all that you have ever done, all that you are, and now God is placing Jesus the crucified, the Risen One, Jesus the
This is more than a covering, for God in Christ reconciles all things unto Himself. There is no other salvation, no other way to heaven. God says He has made His Son “to be sin for us, Who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God
SIN IS NEVER SAFE. Rebellion against God’s holy law results in serious penalty and punishment. Rebellion is always dangerous, destructive, damning and always causes disastrous consequences.
On others you may bestow rich presents, but to me you have given yourself. There remains but one request and that is that you never withdraw this gift of your friendship from me.
His remark showed how deeply he had learned to value the importance of righteousness. The visitor turned to his Bible and there read how God had Himself devised a righteous way to save unrighteous sinners.
Let us shine for Christ and be light in the Lord to the glory of God and for the benefit of our neighbours.
He everywhere has sway, And all things serve His might; His every art pure blessing is, His path unsullied light.
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