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Listen to :  It Is Finished

John 19:30

From the cross this triumphant word was uttered, “It Is Finished!”


Three words in English, two in Chinese, but just one in the original Greek.  That one word “tetalestai” sounds much more impressive, and is more glorious, than all other words. 

It is the shout of victory from the lips of a Conqueror.  The word means more than just imply, the work was done.  It embodies the thought of “perfect” or “complete.” 

We humans finish a good many things, but they are never perfect and complete. 

All that man touches is tainted with failure and imperfection – not so however, this great work of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ. 

He came to do GOD the Father’s will, to glorify GOD, to take away the sin of the world.


What did He finish? Redemption.  He purchased the entire world of men, women, boys and girls. 

He paid full price, to redeem that is, buy back to God, the lost world of sinners.


On that cross, by sacrifice of His precious blood, He accomplished the will of God and laid the basis for the carrying out of God’s eternal plan and purpose in redemption of wisdom, love and power.


His death was an accomplishment. With us as humans, death is a pitiful demonstration of sin and failure. Death, for us ends all our hopes, works and our will.


He did not say, “I am finished,” but “It is finished.” When I die I am finished, as far as my work is concerned; but when Jesus died He actually commenced His work.


He starts where others end. We discover this when we are saved. When we give up doing things to try to save ourselves, then, He saves us.

His priestly ministry began when He died, and now that He is risen from the dead and seated on the throne, He continues that blessed ministry. 

He died to save and now lives to continue to save and keep all who believe Him.



Yes, it is all “finished.” The great work of redemption was finished once and for all.  By one offering He perfects forever all those that are sanctified. 

Nothing can be added to His perfect work, – you cannot improve upon it by adding “good works” to it. 

GOD is totally satisfied with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Nothing can be taken from it, for it is all done by GOD.





Let us remind ourselves however, that there is still an “unfinished” work.  The first verse of the book of Acts tells that “Jesus began both to do and to teach.” He did not finish this other work. 

Christ alone could do that mighty work of redemption; but He has left other work that we are privileged to undertake. 

Christ laid the foundation for the salvation of sinners in His precious death on Calvary, when He shed His life’s blood, and now as His people, redeemed and sanctified, we are to carry on the work of building on that foundation.

We are to be diligent; seeking to win souls for Christ, that they as living stones, might be built into this great Building, His Body, the Church, where He may dwell forever in the midst.



You will be able to take part in this work if you believe in Christ as your Saviour and Lord.


Let us be earnest in His service, so that we may someday hear these glowing words of commendation which He once spoke concerning the believer and disciple Mary, “She hath done what she could.





What is the cause of mankind’s darkness in understanding; and such confusion in apprehension, that results in a complete misunderstanding in religion?



The reason is they know not the doctrine of the cross of Christ, and why, when upon the Cross He loudly and triumphantly cried out, “It is Finished.”


That cross indisputably demonstrates mankind’s imperative need of redemption, and that the death penalty (spiritual, physical, eternal death,) is met by the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ. 

All must experience that cross in order that another life, eternal life, – a life out of resurrection, may be imparted to those who will believe.


People in general do not understand the cross.  Most think as the Jew thought, that Judaism would introduce a great and lasting kingdom, and that religion would improve and change mankind’s nature. 

Most, utterly mistake the gospel, by thinking that Christianity is destined to improve humanity. The cross does not speak of an improvement of mankind, but rather an end.


The cross, the ultimate symbol of a death execution of open shame, suffering and pain, states clearly that this is the end of all hope in mankind.



The eternal Son of GOD representatively offers Himself up in sacrifice for ungodly sinners.  He will bear away your sins, but only if you believe Him. 

The cross speaks of death, judgment and sacrifice on behalf of others.


Christ died for the ungodly,” that is for sinners like me and like you He died, to give us this never-to-be-repeated opportunity, which is to have our sins forgiven, to be pardoned and to possess eternal life.


During this day of GOD’s grace reigning through righteousness, all who are offended by the preaching of the cross and who are stumbled because of This Man Jesus Who said, “IT IS FINISHED,”- shall be lost forever.


Instead of being stumble, and offended because of Christ and His cross, all who humbly fall at His feet, believing Him and His word, shall experience what it is to pass from death into what is truly Life.


GOD is still inviting sinners to come, believe and be saved and safe forever.


Come to Jesus – believing Him and His word,  “IT IS FINISHED

Written by:   John A. Short

Acknowledgement:  © Christian Book Room / Gospel Tract Series

Photo by Sunbeams & Jona


About the “IT IS FINISHED” poster

CBR has produced thousands of these posters and they can be found in many homes throughout China.

One aged sister in Hainan province had a worn and folded copy that she would at first opportunity unfold and happily use to witness to others, stating that none except the Lord Jesus could say that He had completely finished the work He came to do.

If you have believed Christ’s finished work, you too can have the privilege and joy to witness to others how great is this Person hand His work completed on behalf of all.


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