Take My Yoke
In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (John 1: 4-5)
In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (John 1: 4-5)
He came, The Way, The Truth, The Life, to save His people from their sins, Jesus Christ rose from among the dead and all who trust in Him are justified from all things.
Your smallest deeds of love for Christ, which seem to be forgotten,are writing their records these common days in God’s book of life and in the ages to come their story will be read by angels and men.
I feel great joy in my daily Bible reading, and my heart is filled with peace as I kneel down to pray.
My love for you is deeper that the ocean and bigger that the biggest want or need in your head. Oh, if you only knew how much I want to walk an talk with you.
“The Living Water has come at last -the long, long famine is over; come and drink.” And they came and drank and revived, and the Master saw, and His heart was glad.
Would you have your life like the rose? You must open your heart to the warmth of His love. You must take His words into your soul. You must let Him fill you with His own blessed life.
I want you to know that I just came to tell you that God really does love you. He sent His Son to suffer, die and bear in Himself the just punishment for your sins.
He was telling people that forgiveness of sins, peace with God, and eternal life was freely available to everyone regardless of creed, colour, or custom.
Then carefully put to the balance, at the emperor’s word, gold was piled on the other scale, and for every pound of iron worn in the dungeon, he now received a pound of gold. Do you think that he would wish now that his fetters had been lighter?
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